Halloween Fire Safety RI Restoration

How To Safely Trick-Or-Treat in RI

Halloween is coming up soon and people are scrambling to figure out how trick-or-treating is going to work this year with coronavirus cases on the rise. Some people are boycotting trick-or-treating as a whole, while others are coming up with some creative, safe ideas on how to safely trick-or-treat in RI.

Take a look at these ideas for a fun Halloween for your kids without sacrificing their safety!

Dress Your Kids Up In A *Safe* Costume

Most kids, especially when they are on the older side, may be a little hesitant (okay, a lot hesitant) about ruining this year’s Halloween costume with a mask. A good compromise for letting them safely trick-or-treat in RI would be to have them wear a costume that is fun but still safe and in line with current COVID-19 guidelines. Some ideas for this would be:

  • Dressing them up as a doctor or nurse
  • Wearing a Halloween-themed mask
  • Wearing a mask that “completes the look” like a nose and mouth of a tiger painted on or a bandana as the mask if they dress up like Woody from Toy Story, etc. Get creative!

Keep The Group You Walk With Small

Usually, trick-or-treating is more fun with a group of people. The whole family or a group of friends has been the tradition. This year to safely trick-or-treat in RI, keep the group to a minimum by only going with the people in your household. This will prevent the spread of coronavirus by limiting contact to just the people you live with.

Keep It Short

The more houses you visit, the more at risk you and your kids are to get sick. Keep the number of houses you go to small, and limit the amount of time at each house to safely trick-or-treat in RI.

If your kids get bummed out by the lack of candy in their bag, keep a backup at the house of some extra Halloween candy!

Stay 6 Feet Apart

Other than the people you are trick-or-treating with, a good practice to use not only for safely trick-or-treating in RI but in public during the pandemic is to stay 6 feet apart. Keep your group a safe distance away from other families and away from people handing out candy.

How Can I Safely Hand Out Candy?

As much as safely trick-or-treating in RI can be done by the trick-or-treaters, a major portion will be up to you. Here are a few ways to keep handing out candy safe but still be able to do it!

  • Wear gloves and a proper mask
  • Limit handing out candy to 1 family at a time
  • Don’t give away homemade treats
  • Don’t allow anyone to enter your home, keep it at the door!
  • Try to stay at your door so people/children don’t need to knock or ring a doorbell

Staying Home Is The Best Way To Safely Trick-Or-Treat in RI

It’s a bummer, yes. Halloween this year just won’t be the same as years before. But hey New Englanders, at least we won’t have a snowy Halloween like a few years ago! Stay home, stay safe. Here are some ways to make it fun!

  • Watch Halloween movies
  • Have a household-only party with music, games, food, and lots of candy
  • “Trick-or-treat” from door to door within your house

It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially during such a crazy, scary time. Stay home this year!

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