Short on Time? Learn All About Eliminating Mold Right Here
We have talked a lot about mold and water damage on our blogs before, that is because we think it is so important as a homeowner to know how to identify and eliminate mold after water damage. Mold is so tricky as well; due to the fact it can’t be removed by the homeowner themselves. Special cleaning protocols and safety precautions must be taken in order to ensure the mold is removed without putting the homeowner’s health at risk. Here are our top ways to identify and eliminate mold after water damage.
What does mold look like and how does it spread?
As a homeowner, you should know exactly what mold looks like, as at first, it could be tricky to spot. In the beginning stages, inactive mold particles, appear white and powdery. In this state, mold can spread super easily, usually through the air. Once in contact with humidity, the mold will activate and begin to grow. This is when it turns its distinguished green, fuzzy, bubbly, etc. look. This is why you will find mold to follow as soon as there is water damage in your house because it floats around in the air until it contacts something damp.
Mold Damage From… A Burst Pipe
Have you experienced a broken water pipe recently? If so, the water damage is likely to lead to some serious, dangerous mold growth. If left unchecked, mold growths, or colonies, can start to grow on a damp surface within 24 to 48 hours. As soon as you had a pipe burst, you should call your restoration company immediately. At Rhode Island Restoration, we offer 24/7 services for scenarios just like this. We will clean everything that was affected, to make sure you can get back to more important things.
Mold Damage From… A Roof Leak
Most of the time you may not even realize that you have a roof leak. After all, a small crack in the roof and a small rainstorm can lead to serious water damage, and eventually mold growth. The worst part is that you may not realize the mold growth until it has spread to other damp areas of your house. If this occurs, you may not even be covered by insurance, especially if a claim was not filed in a reasonable amount of time. Overall, what a huge hazardous headache.
Mold Damage From… Hail Damage
At first, this might not make much sense, however, this happens more than you’d think, especially during the winter and summer months when a huge storm dumps hail onto roofs. If your roof is not kept up well or has seen previous storm damage, your roof is at risk for mold growth underneath. A wooden roof is more susceptible to mold growth from hail damage, as when the hail hits and breaks through your roof, the ice pellets will melt, creating a nice spot for mold to grow.
Mold Damage From… Flood Damage
Perhaps one of the most damaging events to occur for a homeowner is a flood. This could happen during a strong storm or if a home sits in a flood watch zone. If this is the case the homeowner might want to consider looking into a restoration company such as Rhode Island Restoration to make sure no further damage comes from a flood. If left unchecked, a flood could lead to some serious mold growth, one of the worst kinds, in fact, black mold. This type of mold is very toxic to your health, more so than other types of mold. Respiratory infections, shortness of breath, rashes, chronic coughing, and sneezing are all common when black mold is present.
How to eliminate mold after water damage
We talked about how mold grows throughout this entire blog, but how exactly do you eliminate mold after water damage? The answer – you shouldn’t ever do it yourself. A trusted restoration company such as Rhode Island Restoration is your best bet for completely restoring any mold after water damage. The best thing you can do for your home after discovering mold is to find the source of water damage, taking pictures, and contacting your insurance company to see if you will be covered for damage loss. You may also want to consider turning off any airflow in your house, that way mold can no longer travel throughout the vents in your home.
Do You Have Mold after water damage? We can help you!
At Rhode Island Restoration we can help repair your home back to its previous state, if not better after you have had mold after water damage. We are the professionals you need to safely remove any and all mold from your home. For over 18+ years we have helped countless homeowners remediate their homes from pesky, dangerous mold. Call us today at 401-414-1111 for a free quote and any questions you may have.